7 Interesting Career Paths For DBA Graduates
5 Mins Read
Published on: 29 September 2022
Last Updated on: 17 May 2024

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If you are exploring options with a DBA degree to enhance your career and earnings potential, a smart place to begin is by researching the positions that require an advanced degree in business administration.
A Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA program) will boost the careers of many individuals by providing them with valuable, advanced skills such as data-driven decision-making, business intelligence, and ethical leadership. You can be better prepared for success in your career by pursuing post-graduate business administration courses.
A DBA is a specialized degree. It’s not going to open the door to every job, but it does provide you with several lucrative career paths that are in high demand.
Here are eight career paths for DBA graduates who would like to start their careers after studying DBA specializing in analytics:
C-suite is the highest level of management in an organization.
You may have heard that DBA graduates are well-suited for careers in technology, but you might not know how they’re employed at that level. Here are three ways that DBAs can rise through the ranks to become C-level executives:
- Helping companies make better decisions
- Improving their bottom line
- Making better use of resources

Economists work in many different industries and can specialize in many different areas. According to projections, employment of economists will increase by 6% between 2021 and 2031, which is approximately average for all occupations. Over the next ten years, there are expected to be, on average, 1,400 jobs for economists.
In general, economists are in high demand due to their ability to make forecasts and provide valuable research that helps businesses and governments make decisions.
Economists may work for government agencies, the private sector (including large corporations), or non-profit organizations like think tanks. Some economists focus on macroeconomics which involves studying economic activity at a national level, for example, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures or unemployment rates. Microeconomics focuses on individual markets, such as retail stores selling goods or services at different prices based on demand from consumers within their local area.
Other specialists might choose to focus on monetary policy or international trade issues instead of macroeconomic studies like GDP growth rates across various industries nationwide..

Logistics is the science of planning and carrying out the movement of people and goods from one place to another. It’s a key component of supply chain management, which involves managing relationships between suppliers, distributors, retailers, and consumers, and it can be a very lucrative career path for DBA grads who are looking for a job with a future in business.
Logistics is used in almost every industry: you might find yourself working as a logistics manager at an automotive company that makes cars or ships them across state lines; as an information system (IS) professional at an oil refinery; or even as part of IT department at an online retailer.
The position of professor is a fantastic career choice for graduates of a business administration degree program who love enabling people to learn, grow, and collaborate efficiently.
As a professor, you’ll be able to teach and conduct research. You also get the opportunity to help your students find jobs in this field. You’ll have the chance to work with a team of other professionals, as well as students who may become DBAs after graduation. Associate professors with doctorates made an average salary of around $99,820 in previous years, according to the AAUP’s annual report on faculty salaries.
If you’re interested in teaching but want a change of pace from academia, consider becoming an instructor at a training institute that teaches people how to use data management tools. These companies are always looking for knowledgeable instructors who can help their clients learn how to use these tools for their own businesses or projects.

You’ll learn a lot of valuable skills in your DBA program, but the most important one is how to take control of your own career. Entrepreneurship gives you the opportunity to do just that: be your own boss, set your own hours, and have total control over your destiny. In fact, currently, there are 582 million business owners worldwide. Roughly 90% of the recent millionaires in America are self-made.
If you’ve already started thinking about what kind of business you’d like to launch, consider taking some time off from school (if possible) to get hands-on experience with the industry before graduating. This will help make sure your startup idea meets real-world needs, and it can also provide valuable market research for when you go back into school.
Director of Human Resources
A Director of Human Resources is the executive who oversees all human resources operations, including recruitment and hiring. They also develop policies on benefits, employee relations, and conduct. Additionally, Directors of Human Resources are responsible for developing their company’s training processes and implementing them in the workplace.
According to projections, employment of human resources managers will increase by 7% between 2021 and 2031, which is approximately average for all occupations. Throughout the next decade, there are expected to be, on average, 16,300 jobs for human resources managers every year.
If you’re interested in this career path, you should have an advanced degree in business management or human resources with at least five years of experience working as a manager within the field. You’ll also want to be familiar with legal requirements regarding employment law.
Government Employee
If you’re a government employee, chances are that your employer’s hiring practices are similar to those of other businesses. That is, they will likely look at your GPA and school prestige first when considering candidates. However, there may be some agencies that have their own hiring criteria in place.
For example, the federal government will ask you to take a written test called the Federal Applications Skills Test; if you pass this exam and meet the minimum score requirements for each grade level (entry-level: 4th year), then they’ll invite you in for an interview.
State and local governments also have their own job boards where they post openings for positions like computer scientists and programmers.
Depending on your interests and career goals, you can use a DBA in many different ways. You can use it to work in the C-suite, as a consultant, as an economist, as a logistician, as a professor, as an entrepreneur (or any combination of these). This is just a small sample of the careers you can pursue with a DBA.
There are so many different ways to use a degree in business analytics, and if you’re still unsure about what kind of career path is right for you, we recommend doing some research. We hope this article has given you some guidance on how to get started on your journey into the world of business analytics.
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