Digital Marketing

How Online Presence, A Google My Business Profile, And Proper Strategy Can Help With Law Firm Marketing

Published on: March 24, 2023

Last Updated on: May 9, 2024

Online Presence

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Have you ever asked yourself what the process is regarding how to market a law firm? Do you find yourself wishing that you could attract more clients? Do you see your competitors having a lot of success and wonder what they are doing right?

If the answer to any of those questions was yes, it might be a sign that you ought to take a closer look at the marketing strategies you use.

If you are running any business, it is common knowledge that proper marketing is one of the essential elements to finding more clients. Perhaps you already have some sort of marketing strategy in place, or perhaps this is the first time you have realized the importance of good marketing.

Regardless of which group you fall into, either creating a solid marketing strategy or improving and expanding your current one can bring in a ton of new sales. Let’s explore more.

How to Set Up Your Marketing Strategy?

Before you can even start applying different tools that are used in marketing for law firms, you would need to build a proper marketing strategy. What does that contain, you ask?

A proper marketing strategy is one that takes inventory of a number of factors and uses that information to apply marketing tools in the right way.

These factors include understanding one’s target audience, performing sufficient market analysis, a study of your competitors and their services, and a deep, objective understanding of your own firm and the service you offer.

Of course, there may be several other factors, depending on your particular law firm that only you would be aware of. Add those to the mix as well.

Once you are able to understand the ideal conditions under which your law firm can operate, your marketing plan can move quickly. It is at this time that you want to start utilizing a number of tools commonly used by digital marketing experts.

 You also have the choice of hiring and training an in-house marketer or contracting the work to a law firm marketing agency.

Let us now look at what a strong marketing strategy would involve.

The Importance of Online Presence and a Google My Business Profile

This should be one of the first things you do. Most probably, you already have a functional website, but on the off chance that you haven’t gotten one yet, do so as soon as possible.

An online presence acts as a net that will direct potential clients your way and allow you to showcase the types of services you offer, along with any testimonials from past clients.

A good website can be one of the best investments you can make and will often pay for itself through the number of clients it can bring you.

However, it isn’t enough to only rely on your website. There are other aspects to having an strong online presence, such as your Google My Business Profile, which offers a number of benefits.

This is an external page that shows up in search results and has the benefit of providing an unbiased portrayal of your law firm. The public reviews left on your google my business page are also much more convincing to a viewer than cherry-picked ones that you might post on your website.

It is common for digital marketers to set up a Google Business Profile for lawyers and law firms due to how effective they can be. It gives you the power of essentially having two faces to your law firm. Your main law firm’s website and the Google profile, which contains information it deems relevant to the public.

If you are unsure of how to set it up, you could hire a service like GoBeyond SEO, which does all the work for you. Not only do they help you set up your Google My Business Profile, but they also offer a number of other digital marketing solutions that can be game-changing when it comes to law firm marketing.

It can be worth checking out their services as testimonials from clients highlight how much ROI was possible due to their expertise and professionalism.


The art of marketing your law firm doesn’t come quickly. It might not be instantaneous, but with a solid marketing strategy and attention to your online presence and Google My Business Profile, you can be assured of a considerable increase in the number of clients you attract.

We live in the digital age, and while PPC and traditional forms of advertising are still highly effective, you will find that you can achieve a great deal with law office marketing tactics, such as search engine optimization, a good website, and a well-managed online presence.




Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn

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