Aluminum VS Stainless Steel Wire Mesh: Which Is Better?
12 September 2022
5 Mins Read

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Different projects require different tools. For instance, you can’t use some indoor project tools or materials for outdoor projects. One of the materials used often is wire mesh for outdoor projects.
Wire mesh serves various purposes for outdoor projects. Some of its uses include:
- Pest control
- Gutter guards
- Insect screens
- Chimney caps
- Soffit screens
- Foundation vents
For efficiency, it’s best to consider the wire mesh or metal mesh types you use. The type of wire mesh depends on the materials used to make them.
Among these materials are stainless steel and aluminum. These two materials have different properties and use.
This article will look at the properties of aluminum and stainless steel wire mesh to help you know which will best suit your needs. Keep reading to learn more.
Properties Of Aluminium Wire Mesh:

Below are some properties of aluminum wire mesh you need to know:
1. It’s Light In Nature
Aluminum is one of the lightweight metals. It has a tensile strength of 276MPa. Additionally, the density of aluminum is approximately 2.81gcm-3.
This property makes an aluminum wire mesh good for projects that don’t require strong materials. Some of these projects could be:
- Pest control
- Chimney caps
- Insect screens
On the other hand, this means you can’t use aluminum wire mesh in projects that require strong materials. For instance, you don’t have to use stainless steel just to keep squirrels out.
2. It’s Resistant To Corrosion
Corrosion is one of the factors that destroy metals.
It’s caused by factors such as:
- Presence of dirt near the material
- Metal’s chemical nature
- Metal’s internal structure
- Eddy electrical currents,
- Climate conditions
Aluminum doesn’t rust as it reacts with oxygen to form a protective layer called aluminum oxide which makes it resistant to various types of corrosion.
This means you can use an aluminum wire mesh for outdoor projects without worrying whether its quality will decrease due to rusting. Moreover, when it outlives its purpose, you can even send them for recycling.
However, you should note that aluminum corrodes when exposed to too much salt. This reduces its quality as cracks form on the wire mesh. Therefore, if you choose to use aluminum wire mesh, you should ensure that your project area is salt-free.
3. It’s Relatively Affordable
Metal materials are usually sold at a price in relation to its weight. As mentioned earlier, aluminum is lightweight. This means you can get more aluminum wire mesh at a lower price compared with heavier metals.
Therefore, if you have a project that needs a large volume of wire mesh within a budget, you should consider using aluminum wire mesh. After all, who wouldn’t want to use a pocket-friendly wire mesh material?
4. It Has High Malleability
Malleability is the capability of being altered through shaping or extension without getting damaged. This is done by hammering and pressing. Aluminum is relatively soft, so you don’t have to struggle when cutting or stretching it.
Moreover, aluminum’s malleability makes it easy to shape without breaking it. Therefore, you can use aluminum wire mesh in projects that involve cutting, stretching, and manipulating wire mesh.
5. It’s A Better Conductor Of Electricity
Some projects involve the transfer of electric current from one point to another. For example, you may want to set up an electric fence. If you choose to use wire mesh in electric fencing, you need a wire mesh material that’s an excellent electrical conductor.
For example, aluminum wire mesh is known to be a good electrical conductor. Therefore, it would be perfect for such a project.
6. It Has Low Heat Resistance
Aluminum doesn’t have a high level of heat resistance. It becomes very soft at temperatures around 4000F and starts to melt at 12200F.
As a result, it’s not fit for projects that involve exposure to high temperatures as it’ll quickly get damaged.
On the contrary, aluminum is fit for cold temperatures. This is because its tensile strength increases as temperature decreases.
Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Here are some stainless steel properties that you also need to know before you decide which wire mesh material is better:
1. It’s A Strong Material
Stainless steel is one of the strongest metals as it has a tensile strength of 505MPa. Further, it has a high density of 8gcm-3.
This makes it more robust than aluminum wire mesh; therefore, it can be used in projects that need strong materials. For example, you can use stainless steel wire mesh as foundation vents.
Moreover, the strength of stainless steel makes it a long-lasting material. This is because it’s not easy for a stainless steel wire mesh to get damaged in high-impact situations.
However, its strength makes it a heavy material. Therefore, it’s costly to purchase stainless steel wire mesh in terms of cost per price compared with aluminum wire mesh.
2. It’s Also Corrosion Resistant
Similar to aluminum wire mesh, stainless steel wire mesh is also resistant to corrosion. Stainless steel has chromium, a protective layer around the metal, making it resistant to corrosion.
Additionally, stainless steel is non-porous, which makes it a better corrosion resistance material than aluminum wire mesh. Therefore, stainless steel wire mesh can be used in any environment as it hardly rusts or corrodes.
3. It’s A Poor Conductor Of Electricity And Heat
Stainless steel is among the worst electrical conductors. This means you can’t use it in projects involving electric current transmission. Similarly, it’s also a poor heat conductor.
However, it can be used in projects that involve high temperatures. This is because stainless steel has a high heat resistance level with a melting point of 25000F.
4. It’s Easy To Weld
Some projects involve welding. When it comes to wire meshes, you can weld them when:
- Constructing fences
- Setting up a nursery for your plants
- Making DIY products
- Building gates and posts
- Covering windows
These projects need a wire mesh material that’s easy to weld to save time. Therefore, stainless steel wire mesh is fit for such projects.
Wrapping It Up!
Various projects require different tools and materials. Their properties determine the materials and tools to use in a project. For example, wire mesh is used in multiple projects.
However, the mesh material determines the projects it’ll be used in. Some of the most used wire mesh materials are aluminum and stainless steel.
These two materials have different properties in terms of their strength, heat resistance, heat conductivity, electrical conductivity, and many more.
If you have a project and are unsure which wire mesh material to use between the two, you can use this article to decide which is better. All the best!
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