Breaking The Procrastination Habit: Strategies And Techniques
06 April 2023
3 Mins Read

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If you are a procrastinator, it can be difficult to forgive yourself, and for many people, this is the most difficult step in breaking the procrastination habit.
At the same time, forgiving yourself for procrastination can be the fastest way to get past the procrastination problem. It’s time to stop beating yourself up over it and develop some strategies and techniques that can help you become more productive.
We’ve all been there. Every human in the world has put something off at one time or another.
Beating the procrastination habit is easier than you think. Come up with a game plan to get past this habit, and you have won half the battle. We can help.
Use this guide for strategies and techniques to overcome procrastination, and you will become a productivity guru in no time.
Learn Why You Procrastinate
When you are procrastinating, there are reasons why. You may have a legitimate reason. You may be tired from a long day at work, or you may have a pressing appointment later in the day that is taking all of your attention.
Sometimes there are good reasons to procrastinate. Sometimes, there are not. Boredom is not a good reason to procrastinate. If you know that you have an issue with procrastinating, and you want to do something about it, you are closer to beating this habit than you think. Knowing why you are putting off tasks is the easiest way to get past that hurdle and get them done.
When you are bored, it is the best time to catch up on your to-do list. When you identify those moments of boredom, cross something off of your list.
If you are procrastinating because you sincerely do have something serious to think about, schedule a time for you to get the task done that you are procrastinating.
Let’s say your appointment is for 4 PM. Schedule the next thing on your list for 5 PM, or the earliest possible time.
Learn why you procrastinate, and you will get your list whittled away sooner rather than later.
Finish Long Tasks Sooner
When you have an issue with procrastinating, sort the things you need to get done by the time limit. Get the longest tasks done first. When you have the longest chores or tasks done first, you feel more accomplished. And, you have fewer things to procrastinate with. If you accomplish one long task first but have only a few small tasks to complete next, then you will get everything done sooner than you thought.
You can also break long tasks down into five or fifteen-minute segments, and this will also help you to complete tasks sooner. Once you start something, you are less likely to put the task off. You may get distracted during the task, but you are more likely to want to complete the task than if you never started it at all.
Get your big jobs done first, and then you will have less to do in less time when it comes to sorting the rest of your list.
Reward Yourself
A lot of times, we do not get things done because we just dread getting more work done during a long work day, after a long work day, or before a long work day. Plan rewards for yourself, and you will have something to look forward to.
If you want to watch a TV program before you get something done, plan the program for after you get the job done. Then you will beat the procrastination habit and become more accomplished. You will also not feel like you are missing out on life at all if you use your procrastination technique (TV watching) as your reward instead of your goal.
Beat Procrastination
Rewarding yourself and getting tasks done in an organized fashion are among the most popular techniques for being productive. These are tools of classical and operant conditioning that are among the oldest techniques in the book. They work. Forgive yourself for wanting to put something off, and just find a way that makes the task more pleasant for you. When you do, you become more productive.
For more productivity tips, check out sites like to gain knowledge on how to become more productive and efficient.
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