What Are The Differences Between Residential And Commercial Construction?
3 Mins Read
Published on: 17 November 2022
Last Updated on: 09 September 2024

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Construction projects can be split into several categories, two of the most common of which are residential and commercial projects.
There are multiple differences between these two types of construction projects, including the type of buildings, the materials used, the costs, and the licenses required.
In this article, we’re going to cover each of these differences in more detail.
Key Differences Between Residential And Commercial Construction Projects
Whether you’re working on residential or commercial construction projects, you will use a range of different tools and resources. You’ll need large machinery, construction project management tools, and building materials.
However, the types of materials and resources that you require will differ depending on the type of project that you are completing. You may also need different licenses and permits for residential and commercial constructions.
Here are some of the key differences that you need to be aware of as a construction business owner or manager.
1. Building materials

Commercial construction projects are often complex and require a much larger number of materials. Many large commercial buildings are made using more expensive, more durable materials, such as steel and other metals.
Residential buildings may be made out of wood or brick, which are cheaper materials, enabling homeowners to save money. Some residential construction is me contain concrete, witches are your study and durable option. With this, If you’re planning a residential construction project Star Building in Winnipeg has got you covered with their extensive selection of high-quality building materials and exceptional services to ensure your project is a success from start to finish.
2. Permits
Any type of construction requires building permits and licenses. However, the specific licenses that are necessary for commercial and residential projects can vary.
These variations depend on the types of materials and equipment that are being used during the project and they are necessary to maintain the safety of all construction staff members. For example, a commercial project that requires large, heavy machinery may need more extensive permits than a smaller residential project.
3. Equipment

Different materials are needed for each type of construction project, and because of this, different equipment and safety gear is also needed.
For large-scale commercial projects, a wide variety of equipment is required. Many of these pieces of equipment are large and heavy, such as a variety of cranes. Because of this, the construction site may require staff with specialized skills and training.
Residential projects may also require large machinery but this is not always the case. It depends on the size and complexity of the residential construction work.
4. Cost
Cost is another key difference between residential and commercial construction projects. Commercial work can cost millions of dollars more than residential projects because of the need for more materials and equipment.
Sometimes, commercial projects are funded by the government but this time always the case. Residential properties are generally funded privately, such as by the project developers on a real estate site.
5. Time To Completion

Commercial projects tend to get completed much more quickly than residential projects because they have more staff working on-site and easier access to top-quality equipment and ample materials.
Commercial projects have tighter deadlines because often, businesses are waiting for their completion or the construction work dispirits a public space.
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