Email Marketing

Dodging The Spam Box: How To Ensure Your Emails Reach The Target? 

Published on: January 30, 2024

Last Updated on: September 16, 2024

Dodging The Spam Box

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Email deliverability is a complex issue. It can become frustrating for senders when you send a mail that never reaches the target.

This can result due to several factors, such as email list health and authentication status.

However, there are some effective strategies to help emails get back in the inbox quickly.

With 45% of emails ending up in spam and Google’s recent crackdown on spam messages, email marketers face a pressing issue to address.

Implementing the right practices can help email marketers stay out of spam folders.

Despite the challenges, some questions remain unanswered, and preventing emails from going to spam remains a challenging problem for senders.

Therefore, this post will help you recognize the issues and prevent your email IDs from getting flagged.

Why Do Emails Get Spammed?

Why Do Emails Get Spammed?

Email spam can occur due to various factors, including unengaged subscribers, spam complaints, or bad sending domain or IP address.

Unengaged subscribers may question your legitimacy as a sender. This filters your emails into the spam box or junk folder.

Moreover, the higher the spam complaints, the higher the chance of your future emails getting filtered. This can potentially lead to an email blocklist.

A bad sending domain or IP address can also contribute to your emails being filtered into the spam folder. This reputation can be due to previous email marketing behaviors or the tarnished reputations of other senders.

Therefore, to prevent emails from going to spam, addressing these issues and implementing effective strategies is essential.

How Do You Know If Your Emails Are Getting Spammed?

To test email spam, you can use a third-party tool to check your spam score or open rates.

If your open rates are below 15%, your emails are likely in the spam folder.

Unlike a good email system, Google’s automated systems detect most spam and prevent it from appearing in search results. Their spam removal team manually handles the rest, reviews pages, and flags them if they violate Webmaster Guidelines.

How To Avoid The Spam Box?

Given below are some of the proven techniques that can help email marketers and businesses avoid the spam box and send their emails right to the target—

Build An Email List

Build An Email List

The email content is crucial for communicating important information to stakeholders and providing shipping confirmations or security alerts.

However, it’s essential to ensure emails reach their intended audience and avoid purchasing, renting, or co-registering emails from third parties.

Avoid sharing or using a shared list with partners, as email harvesting can put you in the spam folder.

Therefore, organically building an email list is the best long-term strategy for engagement. However, growing your list and audience may not be the easiest or fastest way.

Authenticate Your IDs

Email authentication is crucial for verifying identity and sending legitimate emails. Inbox providers only trust authenticated mail IDs. Therefore, they are more likely to deliver them directly into the inbox.

There are four methods to authenticate emails and prove they are worthy of the inbox:

  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF).
  • Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC).
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).
  • Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI).

SPF confirms identity by comparing the sender’s IP with a list of authorized IPs. DKIM, on the other hand, ensures that the email isn’t tampered with during transmission and sending.

DMARC requires both sending and delivering mail. BIMI attaches your business’s logo to emails, making them more recognizable to recipients.

Moreover, SendGrid can help you start with each authentication method and set your email program up for success.

Use Email Marketing Tools

Spam filters analyze sender IP addresses to identify spam complaints, potentially flagging accounts under a provider despite legitimate emails.

Therefore, use a reputable email provider that prevents spammers and ensures email deliverability to prevent this.

Combining industry-standard email providers with AI-powered personalization can enhance open rate and relevance.

This ensures data-driven and relevant emails, making them easy for customers to click on. Ensure that your branded communications are data-driven and relevant to avoid flagging.

Keep Your Email List Clean

Keep Your Email List Clean

Email lists and subscribers naturally fluctuate as recipients drop off, and the quality of your list is more important than the number of contacts.

However, some may unsubscribe, while others may ignore or mark your emails as spam.

This can negatively impact your sending reputation and make your emails less likely to reach recipients’ inboxes.

A leaner, more engaged email list is more effective than a large list of unengaged users. Therefore, maintain your email lists regularly to stave off low engagement and its impact on your sender reputation.

Removing bounced mails, unengaged users and spam traps is one effective way to clean your list.

Remember that email list turnover is normal, and be proactive in cleaning up your list to improve delivery rates.

Give The Chance To Unsubscribe

Making it easy for recipients to unsubscribe is crucial for email marketing to avoid spam and maintain a respectful relationship with subscribers.

This can be done through a simple “We Miss You” email or a bold unsubscribe button. Winback campaigns can effectively revitalize relationships but should be tailored to the specific customer.

A personalized message that highlights brand changes and pain points can go a long way. Respecting unsubscribers is essential. It is annoying for users to see messages trickle in after the fact.

Ultimately, making it easy for subscribers to unsubscribe is a compliance issue and a way to treat them respectfully.

Get Out Of The Spam Box!

Email subscribers in countries like Canada and Europe must adhere to anti-spam laws, even without a physical presence.

Most requirements are similar, and most email service providers (ESPs) can help meet them. Therefore, to comply with anti-spam laws, use the ideas provided in this article and prevent emails from going to junk folders.

Moreover, poorly rendered emails on recipients’ most-used devices can directly send your emails to the spam box easily. This can cause lower engagement and damage the sender’s reputation.

However, predicting how emails will appear on each device is difficult with numerous devices and email clients.

Deliverability issues and being in the spam folder significantly limit communication with customers and users.

Therefore, follow the rules and maintain your visibility in the email market.

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Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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