Ecommerce Marketing And Advertising Trends In 2024 Through 2026
4 Mins Read
Published on: 22 December 2023
Last Updated on: 16 July 2024

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Despite a growing number of e-commerce entrepreneurs who sell everything from self-published romance novels to baseball caps and who wish to move products directly to the consumer via their website, Amazon remains the most popular place to sell online products by far.
But there’s no disputing that with the multitude of products being added to “the Zon’s” store every day (if not every hour and minute), making your product stand out among the crowd is getting harder and harder. This is why Amazon created Amazon Marketing Services for you to dish out good money to get your products noticed. In other words, in 2024, if you want to sell a lot of stuff on the Zon, you need to pay to play.
Complicating matters is the fact that using Amazon Marketing Services can be a time suck if you’re not careful. That means it can potentially steal time away from your principal objective. That is, to make money. One solution to this problem is to invest in a qualified marketing business.
Says Mayple, an Amazon marketing agency, there’s little doubt the eCommerce market maintains tremendous potential in the 2020s. Amazon still stands as the primary platform for your company, big or small, to realize big profits. But the downside to this is that the competition is fierce, which means you will likely find yourself needing help when it comes to marketing the right way.
This begs the million-dollar question: If you’ve made the decision to employ a marketing agency in 2024 and have your sights set on a good return on investment (ROI), what kind of marketing and advertising trends should you be aware of going forward?
According to a recent report by Exploding Topics, back in 2020, when the pandemic rocked the advertising and marketing industry, uncertainty took over. Therefore, ad spending dipped. However, by 2023, Ad spending regained pre-pandemic levels at around $255 billion annually in the U.S. alone.
That said, what kinds of advertising and marketing trends should you be aware of over the course of the next 36 months? Here are just a few.
The Video Is Getting Shorter
The market for mobile video advertising in the U.S. is said to be heading for $54 billion by the year 2025. Most of the ad spend will go toward short video production. Why? Today’s Instagram and TikTok-obsessed consumers just don’t have the patience to sit through long video ads. The fact is, around 25 percent of people are said to close a video ad after only 10 seconds. Fifty percent will close them after 20 seconds.
Said one marketing expert, in a perfect world, an Instagram ad should last no longer than 30 seconds. A Twitter ad should be no longer than 45 seconds, while Facebook ads shouldn’t run more than one minute.
Keep in mind that as video becomes more and more popular over the next 36 months, video length will get even shorter. Some advertisers are experimenting with “ultra-short ads” engineered to outrace the five-second “skip” icon on the YouTube platform.
Mobile Gaming Is Rapidly Gaining In Popularity
In 2020 alone, downloads of mobile gaming applications were said to have spiked by 45 percent as opposed to only 35 percent just a year earlier. Most video gamers are seriously invested in their playtime, and as a result, more than 70 percent polled said they would gladly give up television or looking at social media in exchange for playing a mobile game app.
What’s this mean for the e-commerce business? Gamers are almost twice as likely to pay attention to in-game ads than they would be if they were aimlessly cruising social media. To take it a step further, mobile gaming apps can be programmed with “reward” ads and interstitial “stopping point” ads, making them more enticing.
AI Is Here, And It’S Playing A Big Part In Advertising/Marketing
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked a revolution in many business sectors. In 2018, the AI industry capped at close to $10 billion. By 2019 that number almost tripled to $27 billion. Over the course of the next three years, expect it to balloon to $ 250+ billion.
A recent survey queried marketing professionals about what single advertising activity could have the biggest impact on their company. The overwhelming response was content marketing along with AI.
Says Exploding Topics, SEMrush reported recently that AI technology is now being prioritized in both sales and marketing efforts, especially when it comes to digital-driven e-commerce. Back in 2020, the Interactive Advertising Bureau stated that soon, nearly four out of five online digital marketing professionals would be employing some form of AI in their ads.
In 2020, the Interactive Advertising Bureau estimated that 80% of digital media marketers would be using AI in some way. In a word, AI makes online advertising more efficient and cost-effective. It can also greatly improve your ad targeting, which will improve your click-through rates.
Amazon Remains The King And Queen Of The Ecommerce Ad Space
As much as things change in the e-commerce online ad and marketing industry, one thing will remain the same in 2024 and beyond. With Amazon commanding almost 75 percent of all e-commerce ad spending, it remains the dominant platform.
It’s important to bear in mind that Amazon isn’t a store so much as it’s a search engine. The more effective the ad, the more one-stop-shop success your e-commerce business is going to enjoy. Since ad placement is just one key to your success on the Zon, with the first three visible ads getting he vast majority of the attention, investing in a professional ecommerce marketing professional just might be the answer to vastly improving your bottom line. Isn’t that what being in business is all about?
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