Employee Training Videos: Practical Guidelines And Tips
5 Mins Read
Published on: 20 April 2022
Last Updated on: 22 October 2024

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The evolution of corporate training.
The corporate world has witnessed several changes and redefinitions. People have realized that poor performance in corporate spaces can be traced to the deficient knowledge of the workforce. How then do we solve this problem that pervades almost every sector of human endeavor?
Corporate training has evolved over the years. It first started with the use of books and how-to – guides. From this phase, it progressed to the workshop and training stage. During this phase, seasoned speakers and industry experts are invited to train employees.
Now, we are in the corporate employee training video era. This training option has proven to be the most efficient, cost-effective, and resourceful training variant.
Video training software like iSpring Suite allows you to create training videos in PowerPoint that are compliant with industry standards. This is a result of its ability to include various user-friendly features in the software.
The importance of training videos
The benefits of employee training videos are numerous. Research has found them as a great resource to stimulate retention of technical corporate concepts.
They are also easily accessible and engaging. Gone are the days of staring at books with dense texts to comprehend workplace processes.
Tips For Making Effective Employee Training Videos:
Making effective employee training videos takes a lot of steps and procedures. These steps are very important to improve the quality and general outlook of your video and they include:
1. Establish an air of intimacy:
A detailed look at 21st- century businesses and establishments would inform you that user experience is prioritized.
One of the ways to gain the attention of your users is to please them with your video content. Creating employee training videos that do not satisfy the immediate needs and preferences of your trainees negates the concept of communication.
Communication is a two-way channel as it involves two people. You have to understand your learner’s needs and empathize with them.
A good way to connect with them is by carrying out a comprehensive survey or research. You should find out information about them that would shape the presentation of your content. Information such as their age, educational status, and level of exposure is necessary factors you should consider.
Do not forget that presentation also matters in establishing a sense of intimacy and connection. Dress and look the way you want to be addressed. Ensure that you maintain a reasonable level of eye- contact.
2. Avoid creating unnecessarily long videos:
There is beauty and clarity in simplicity. Keep it short. Videos that run into several minutes often bore your learners.
Remember that you have to consider your users. Some users have short attention spans and it would be unfair to create videos that would not satisfy their corporate learning needs.
The goal is to keep your viewers engaged and you can’t achieve that when your video is unnecessarily prolonged.
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3. Use a clean background:
Aesthetics play a major role in video appreciation. Your learners would be interested to watch your video when the background is not tacky. You should shoot your video in a place free from noise, distraction, and interfering lighting.
To take your learners on a visual journey, it is advised that you make use of wallpapers, backdrops, or neat curtains.
Do not forget to practice what you teach. If you are making a video about chemical processes and their industrial applications, it is not appropriate for you to use a fancy coffee shop. However, it would be appropriate for you to record it in a factory.
Doing this exudes an atmosphere of confidence, professionalism, and credibility. People are more likely to listen to you when you seem confident.
4. Make your videos flexible:
This is similar to the first point. You should make your video fit for every situation. A video that can easily adapt to any circumstance is an excellent one.
For instance, your trainees may be listening to your video in a rowdy environment. Hence, it becomes imperative for you to provide captions.
Also, you have many employees or trainees who are not proficient speakers of the language used in the video. In such cases, you would have to provide subtitles to enhance inclusivity.
5. Systematically teach your learners:
You should not forget the main purpose of the video. Do not mistake showing off your sound mastery of technical corporate concepts for teaching. Ensure you do not use words or registers that your audience is not familiar with. The video was made for them, not you.
One secret to making effective corporate videos is taking your learners on a journey. However, this depends on the quality of your script.
6. Draft a logical script:
The importance of scripting for training videos can’t be overemphasized. Writing a script makes you stay on course. Your script would tell you what to say and present at each point in time. When writing your script, ensure you set time limits.
The possibilities of you drifting away from the theme of the video are high if you don’t have a functional script or a draft.
For clarity, you should list all the necessary points of your video in bullets. This prevents you from fluffing or using fillers to cover up inadequacies.
7. Utilize insights/ detailed analytic reports:
Feedback and reviews are the souls of 21st-century activities. You can see them on virtually every company’s site and social media handles.
Comprehensive performance analytics enables you to make necessary adjustments to subsequent editions of your videos. You can also see how your employees are responding and utilizing your video content.
Using feedback also allows you to tailor the training video to their immediate needs.
Wrapping up
Creating professional employee training videos is dependent on the techniques used. You should remember that if the video does not fill the knowledge deficit of your audience, then the video has no purpose.
The best way to view these tips is to see them as guidelines for improvement and ensuring quality. Seeing them as a set of technical rules may lead to poor implementation of them and this shows in the quality of your video.
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