Is A Ghost Immobiliser Worth The Investment?
15 July 2023
3 Mins Read

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A Ghost Immobiliser is a modern security solution that is compatible with just about every car model.
Using the buttons in your car you can quickly and easily set a pin code that must be entered each time you enter your vehicle so you can drive. With a rise in relay car theft, a Ghost Immobiliser has quickly become one of the most efficient security systems for preventing would-be thieves from cloning a key fob and getting away with a vehicle without leaving a trace.
For car owners who may feel concerned about the rising risk of keyless car theft, in this article we will discuss the pros of installing a Ghost Immobiliser and consider whether this is a truly invaluable investment.
How does a Ghost Immobiliser work?
Unlike a standard manufacturer immobilizer, a Ghost Immobiliser is capable of preventing thieves from cloning keys and fobs which adds an additional layer of security to a vehicle.
With the discreet installation of a Ghost Immobiliser, your vehicle will only start once your unique pin code has been entered. This can be set using the existing buttons inside your vehicle. So, even if the thief has access to your keys or has cloned your fob, they will not be able to drive away. Becoming immobilised, this will quickly deter the thieves, leaving them in a position to flee the scene empty handed.
Undetectable security system
Without any LED indicators and silent operation, the Ghost Immobiliser is completely undetectable. Plus, without the use of radio frequency signals, organised crime gangs can not use their usual scanning technology to detect or intercept the security system as it works. This makes it one of the most effective and secure types of anti-theft systems available to the general public. This key benefit also helps to explain its name, Ghost!
Unlimited pin sequence options
Using up to 20 button actions, you can set your own unique pin with an unlimited number of sequence options. So, it is fair to say that it would be impossible for thieves to guess your code. And with only some minutes to break in and steal a car without being spotted, thieves who even attempt this will either be caught red-handed or will swiftly move far away from the potential crime scene.
Service mode for when others need to use your vehicle
One concern you may now have is the issue surrounding other drivers knowing or having access to your pin. To ensure the safety of your vehicle, you shouldn’t share your immobiliser pin with anyone other than designated drivers.
This is why the Ghost Immobiliser comes with a service mode feature. This feature enables you to temporarily disable your Ghost, providing other drivers the ability to drive your vehicle without needing the code. Ideal if your car requires a service, MOT, or you are using a valet service.
With all these factors in mind, the cost to buy and install the Ghost Immobiliser is certainly worth it. Plus, if you upgrade your car or want to install your immobiliser into a different vehicle, you can do so. What’s more, your insurance provider may even lower your premiums, as a result!
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