8 Tips for Keeping Your Small Business Organic
3 Mins Read
Published on: 05 November 2021
Last Updated on: 10 December 2024

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Organic living is a lifestyle that many people are adopting these days. It may not be for you, but some small business owners feel like they should make their company as organic as possible to appease the growing number of customers who want natural products. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, Amanda Jo is sharing eight tips to help keep your small business organic and thriving!
1. Use Eco-Friendly Products in your Office
Anyone who works in an office knows that it can be a very wasteful place. There are paper towels, coffee cups, and plastic products everywhere you look! The best way to keep your small business organic is by using eco-friendly products instead of the traditional items that don’t biodegrade or use renewable resources. This includes hand soap rather than liquid soap dispensers and bamboo pens over more standard ones.
2. Encourage Employees to use Public Transportation
Another way to keep your small business organic is by encouraging employees to use public transportation, carpooling, and biking for work trips. If you’re using paper products at home or in the office already (which many people do), consider bringing a reusable mug with you instead of getting another plastic cup!
3. Make Sure Food Brought into the Workplace is All-Natural
One big problem businesses run into when trying to be as organic as possible is food. People like snacks throughout the day, whether it’s candy bars from vending machines or bagels provided during meetings; both are not considered healthy options that can seriously damage your company culture if everyone starts eating junk on their breaks because they feel obligated.
To make sure your small business runs organically, make sure all food brought in is as natural as possible, and consider having a “bring your own” option for those who forget.
4. Purchase Organic Products from Local Farmers Markets
When you’re trying to keep your small business organic, it’s also important that you purchase as many products from local farmer’s markets and grocery stores. This helps support the community by giving back to the people who work hard to grow to produce, raise livestock for meat, etc. It will also help cut down on transportation costs, so more of your revenue goes towards running the company rather than getting shipped across large distances!
5. Use Environmentally Safe Cleaning Supplies in Bathrooms
Many office buildings have public bathrooms or ones shared between multiple spaces. If this sounds like where your business is located, then buying eco-friendly bathroom cleaners can be a great way to go green without changing anything else about how things are run. If everything smells with just vinegar water, then nobody will notice a difference, but you’ll feel better knowing that the cleaning products are as safe as possible for those who use them!
6. Be Conscious of your Waste Output
Lastly, if there’s one thing to remember when trying to keep your small business organic, it’s that every little bit counts. Look around and see where you can cut back or do things differently to create less waste, and take advantage of recycling programs in your area where possible.
7. Incorporate Sustainability into the Design of New Buildings
One way to keep your small business organic is by incorporating sustainability into the design of new buildings or remodels. This includes using recycled materials in construction, purchasing energy-efficient appliances for any offices you build, and focusing on easy access to public transportation so employees can get around without needing their cars!
8. Create a Recycling Program that Encourages People to Recycle
Another way to keep your small business organic is by creating an internal recycling program. This means ensuring everyone in the office knows where and how to recycle, so nothing gets thrown out or sent off with regular trash; it could even include a weekly lottery for employees who recycle the most!
Keeping your small business organic is a huge responsibility. That being said, it’s also rewarding and fulfilling to know you’re doing something positive for the environment while growing your company at the same time. All of us must think about what we can do to help keep our planet healthy, so future generations have an opportunity to enjoy its beauty as well. But even if this isn’t necessarily why you want to go green, there are many other benefits!
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