7 Best Ideas For Mobile App Marketing
5 Mins Read
Published on: 21 January 2020
Last Updated on: 13 November 2024

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As the industries are becoming more and more advance. People are searching for a good user end application to work on. People just want to have everything in just one tap. Hence, the need for mobile app marketing kick in.
The mobile app has become so much in demand that users want apps for every website.
Let’s go with this simple example, one can easily create a resume with the help of Ms word, but if you go to an android play store there are n number of applications just for making resumes.
This is because the audience wants a much more portable and user-friendly app which makes our job easier with less effort (with zero effort actually).
Now many companies started producing many apps based on the need of the audience. But until and unless you create awareness about the existence of those apps.
Best Ideas For Mobile App Marketing
Most of the apps get their peak downloads through the first few weeks of the launched date. But those are short-lived days, until and unless you plan for the long term.
Mobile app marketing is the process by which you can promote and create awareness among the user about the application.
Here are the some best mobile app marketing ideas which can boost your app downloads:
1. App Store Optimisation (ASO)
ASO works with both android app store as well as the iPhone app store. This store prioritizes your app based on the app title, app rating, tags, and download data. Out of all this ranking factor of the app, this is the most important ranking factor is the app title. It’s due to solely for the fact that people search app with the keyword of what they do.
For example, if anybody wants an app related to checking the PNR status of the train ticket. Then he/she is going to search keywords like PNR status or PNR status checking. So, you must keep the title of the app on the work that they do, use of relevant keywords.
You must double-check the required fields are properly filled or not before submitting an app to the store.
And it is important to use social media for the authentication of the launched app. It’s better to share the app on different social media.
2. Start marketing before the launch
It is said, “if you plan correctly even war can be won before the fighting”.
So, start marketing the app well before the launch of the app. This can help in funneling the interested audience. This way you can even specify the kind of audiences who are waiting for the app.
This will help you to plan things ahead of their timeline. Planning is everything if planned properly and with the right kind of marketing your app is bound to get recognized by the audience. While marketing shows the apps USP to the people, engage with them. This creates a bond with them which helps in the long-term relationship.
3. Facebook marketing
Nobody will deny the fact that Facebook marketing is one of the best ways to create awareness of new things that are going around or which is about to come.
Many companies run a Facebook ad campaign that can increase traffic to their website an even help them to gain many downloads. I have come to know about the new launching applications via Facebook.
Well nobody surfs the android app store or iPhone app store during free time, but they certainly do Facebook. This why Facebook marketing is very important in the marketing business.
4. Built a mechanic that only your app has it
Every app has its way of attracting the audience. A special mechanism that people talk about it. This helps to increase the refer of the app from one person to another. Think like that if one of out of three people downloads your app via referral, then also you are on the inclination path. Consider the things that are required in mobile app development.
The app needs to be user-friendly so that it can easily be used by any age (if there is no age limit). This increases your app rating on the app store.
5. Teasers are necessary
What are you fond of listening to stories or watching the movie of the story? Yeah, yeah! I know your answer, of course, it’s the movie you will want to see. The same goes for the audience, nobody wants to listen about the app which will be launched, it gets boring as time passes and the audience loses interest.
What can be done to stop that? Obviously, use sneak peeks and teasers of the app. So that the audience can be still hooked with all the marketing things.
While fishing what we do when the fish is hooked up, we bait them by releasing them for a moment and then again keep pulling. The same goes for the pre-marketing thing, we need to keep baiting by giving them sneak peeks.
6. Getting feedback from the customer
Getting feedback is as important as launching an application. This means that you care about the users and as well as we can make the app much more user-friendly after listening to their views.
Getting feedback is also a part of engaging with the audience. This can help in making the audience loyal to you. This can result in more downloads.
You must also add your contact info with the application, for them to contact you.
7. Getting app reviews
Getting app reviews is a task that needs to be taken carefully. Reviews can say many things about that app as a whole. You can even start blogs and videos to get the review for the app.
You can upload a video of your app and its step by step procedure to use it efficiently. Even a simple app sometimes needs to be explained properly before using it. Well, some people are bad with technologies.
There are more than 4.2 million apps (android and iPhone) on app stores. so, it becomes difficult to convince the user to choose your app. This can only be done by making your app different from the other app.
Every app of the same genre is more or less the same. So the deciding factors for the downloads all come to that of mobile app marketing strategies. The more creative the strategy is, the more will be the downloads.
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