How To Prevent Awkward Situations In Your New Workplace?
4 Mins Read
Published on: 14 September 2022
Last Updated on: 16 September 2024

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You’ve just started a new job – congratulations! Whether this is your first job or your twentieth, you’ll no doubt be keen to make the best impression on your boss and new colleagues.
You’ll definitely want to avoid stumbling into a potentially awkward or embarrassing situation, especially in the first few weeks in your new role.
Whether it’s accidentally sending an email that’ll leave you red-faced or making a water-cooler faux pas, there are many pitfalls to be aware of that could prevent you from getting off to a great start.
Here Are 6 Simple Steps To Help You Prevent Awkward Situations In New Workplace:
We’ve got the guide you need to help you sidestep cringeworthy moments during your early days on the job so that you can get on with showing your boss and fellow workers just what a great hire you are! Let’s checkout
1. Escaping Email Embarrassment

We’ve all had personal experience of this particular horror story or know someone who has. The scenario goes: you send an email meant for a specific recipient to the wrong person or – even worse – the whole office.
In the most awful incarnations of this tale, the contents of this email are not something we want the entire office to know about – you get the drift.
Of course, the best way to avoid this situation is to carefully check the Sent bar before sending an email and be especially careful when replying to a group thread if what you’re writing isn’t meant to be widely disseminated. And never write anything that goes beyond the bounds of professionalism.
Worst case scenario, the deed is done, and almost immediately, you realize what’s happened.
To give yourself a chance to avoid embarrassment in this scenario, ensure you’ve familiarized yourself with how to unsend an email before you begin sending out any messages in your new role, so you can take rapid steps in case this scenario unfolds. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to recall the message before it’s opened at the other end.
2. Get Familiar With The Dress Code
Before your first day, ensure you’re fully familiar with the dress code to avoid the risk of turning up in a full-on power suit and towering heels, only to find that everyone else is in jeans and trainers.
Pay attention to what employees wear while attending an interview, but don’t be afraid to ask HR if your start-day approaches and you’re still unsure what you should wear.
3. The Perils Of The Lift

The working elevator has significant awkwardness potential. Standing among your new colleagues in silence is never a pleasant experience, but luckily, there are some preventative steps you can take in preparation for this eventuality.
Think of a few light conversation starters before you head off to work so you have these up your sleeve and ready to use if needed.
Asking about weekend plans, mentioning the traffic on the way into the office, referencing something that’s been reported on the local news that morning – all of these are great ways to fill the silence and will go a long way to getting yourself off on the right foot with your fellow workers.
4. Avoid Getting Pulled InTo Office Gossip
This should be avoided at all costs, especially if you’re new to the job. Getting pulled into office gossip can quickly escalate and lead to you becoming involved in uncomfortable situations.
It may be challenging but walk away (politely) from water-cooler huddles that turn into a discussion on the boss’s extra-marital affair or a co-worker’s latest diet. Always be mindful that office gossip can easily segue into bullying.
5. Forgetting A Colleague’s Name

This is 100% forgivable when you’ve just started in a new role, but it can still feel a bit cringy. Try taking a notebook into the office with you on your first day, and if you get five minutes during a coffee break, write down the names of your colleagues.
Writing down information has been shown to help fix new information in the memory, and, of course, you’ll have something to refer to if you need it.
Use the notebook to jot down other details, too, such as on which floor the accounts department is located or who to ask if you need more stationery until you get familiar with these sorts of things.
6. Traveling With Your Boss
If your job involves the need to travel with your boss, you may be particularly worried about the potential for awkward situations that could arise as a result.
Pre-empt hours of forced conversation or embarrassing silence on a train or plane journey by politely asking your boss if they mind if you read shortly after departure.
If you’re concerned about eating out together once you arrive at the destination, then be aware that, while it’s the done thing in general to accept an invitation, you won’t be breaking any etiquette rules by staying no longer than necessary. Leaving immediately after the meal is totally acceptable.
With the help of the guide above, you’ll be able to successfully navigate your first few weeks in your new job, fully armed with the knowledge of how to avoid – or remedy – some of the most commonly occurring awkward situations. Good luck!
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