What Does a Web Analyst Do and Do I Need One?
4 Mins Read
Published on: 22 December 2020
Last Updated on: 14 November 2024

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Hiring a web analyst for your business can do a lot for business.
As the world continues to become more and more digital, hiring an expert that understands the ins and outs of website design and development can be invaluable.
But many people wonder: What is web analytics? What does a web analyst do? And why would you hire one for your business?
Here’s everything you need to know.
What Is a Web Analyst?

A web analyst, also sometimes called a web analytics specialist or consultant, uses your website’s data to mine information about how it performs online.
His or her job is to use this information to increase the amount of traffic going to your website, as well as improve end-user experience and conversation rates.
Many web analytic specialists work with eCommerce businesses. But many cater to all sorts of companies, including brick and mortar stores.
Web analysts typically have a background in marketing, statistics, or computer science. Some have gained enough experience from working on their websites that they’re able to offer this service to others.
No matter their background, these professionals must have lots of technical know-how as well as good communication skills. Being able to read data is one thing, but communicating that to heads of companies in a manner that is respectful yet firm is an art.
Why Do You Need a Web Analyst?
The reason most companies can benefit from hiring a web analyst is simple: you don’t have enough time to do the job the right way yourself.
Maintaining a website is a full-time job. And today, it’s more important than ever to have a functioning, conversion-friendly website so that organic traffic can find and fall in love with your product.
A web analyst’s job is to make sure there are no hiccups along the way, as well as to optimize the experience new potential customers have.
Outsourcing the work can save you time and money in the long run.
Many specialists have a background in statistics because a lot of the job involves numbers. Using digital tools, such as Decibel heatmaps, to understand how your website is performing, they can glean insights that the average eye can’t that will boost your site.
Web Analytics Tools
To better understand what a web analyst does, here’s a short explanation of two types of tools one may use.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google that allows you to track your website’s performance. The services it offers are overwhelming, to say the least.
An entire article could be devoted to all the metrics this service tracks. Suffice it to say, Google Analytics does a thorough job of tracking visitor data. You can measure traffic, conversion rates, figure out where your customers are discovering you from, and more.
If you understand the ins and outs of it, you may not need a consultant for web analytics. But the wormhole goes pretty deep, so this tool alone might make it worth it if you don’t have the time to learn.
Search Engine Optimization
A good web analyst can also break down your local and organic search engine traffic. Many use tools like SEMrush to figure out which keywords rank highest for your site currently and which one you should target in the future.
Like Google analytics, this is another deep area of expertise. It’s also constantly evolving. For example, in 2018, Google did an update to their SEO practices that literally tanked thousands of online businesses’ SEO overnight.
If you don’t have the time or patience for that, a web analytic specialist could be a good option.
Other Services Offered
Along with metric tracking and search engine optimization, web analysts also specialize in website design. Some, having expertise with hosting platforms like WordPress, can diagnose problems with your website and change them on the same day.
The design of your website factors into both your analytics performance and SEO. For example, how quickly do your website pages load? Does your website have a mobile-friendly design?
If not, Google is unlikely to rank your pages that high—even if you have good content. And if your bounce rate (the length of time people spend on your website) is abysmal due to poor web performance, that will hurt your SEO, too.
How to Find a Web Analyst
Web analytics specialists come in all shapes and sizes. Some work freelance and run their own solo company while others have the power of a large team behind them.
Things to consider when hiring a web analyst include:
- Your budget
- Your time frame
- How large your website/company is
- Your overall goals in hiring a specialist
The last one is particularly important. As most web analytics come into the profession with strengths in some areas, you’ll want to find one that matches well with your business.
For example, due to the boom of video content online and on social media, some analysts specialize in this area. They can help optimize your site to perform better, but also boost your performance on sites like YouTube or Vimeo.
Do I Need a Web Analyst?
Whether or not you need a web analyst is something only you can answer. As the owner of a business, you know it’s important to protect your time and have a strong presence online. A good web analytics specialist can do this for you.
From optimizing your website to dissecting data from Google Analytics and boosting your SEO, there are many perks to hiring this type of professional. Ultimately, it comes down to what you need and what your budget looks like for such a service.
For more business tips and ideas, check out the rest of our website.
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